A couple Saturdays ago, my boys and I ran in our first one mile race. It was a “family fun run” put on by G’s elementary school and was followed by a 5K race for the real runners.
I’m not much of a runner, but it sounded like a fun thing to do together. Plus it was a fundraiser for the school. Biz, who is not into the school sport activities quite yet, really loves to run. Even at age 5, I think he gets a runners high. He likes to “zoom” around and actually has some pretty good form. He’ll tell you he’s the fastest kid at daycare. And I totally believe him.
A few days before the race, I found out that G’s lacrosse game was scheduled at the same time as the fun run. While G wanted to run, he also knew that lacrosse was priority. He’s been doing great in his first year playing games, and he wasn’t about to skip one. Biz, of course, really wanted to run and really wanted to run with me and his big brother.
And then I started scrambling. Their father was leaving for vacation. I knew that I should be at that lacrosse game with G. I also knew how much Biz needed to be in that one mile race. It’s been a tough few months for us all, and zooming in that race was just what he needed.
My trusty neighbor and friend came to the rescue, once again, and offered to bring Biz to the race. But Biz wanted us to run together. He wanted to zoom past us and wait for us at the finish line. His anger and disappointment was apparent and my heart just broke.
And then it rained on the morning of the race. Actually, it poured. I got an email from G’s coach that said the lacrosse games were cancelled.
We ran. Together.
While it was only sprinkling rain when we arrived at the school’s parking lot, it became a steady downpour by the time we left the starting line.
But we ran. Despite my advice to not zoom right out of the gate, both boys ditched me as soon as the race began. I caught up with them when they grew tired from zooming so fast. And then they zoomed again. We did this a few times until we crossed the finish line. First Biz, then G, and then me. They cheered for me as I crossed.
It wasn’t a long race, at only one mile, but it was the first for us all. And we got wet. Really, really wet. The only picture I took of the experience was after we got home from the race. We were soaked, but we felt accomplished. Both boys warmed up with hot showers until there wasn’t any hot water left in the house.
We ran together, and it felt great. To zoom. To let the rain hit our face. To forget about what anger we had deep in our hearts.
May has been a crazy month, filled with lots of scrambling. It has also been filled with some pretty special times.
Playing on the beach while daycare is closed.
Celebrating a successful kindergarten screening.
Being appreciated during a high school lacrosse game (G’s the one jumping in the air).
Exploring forts we’ve driven by many times but never knew existed.
Dipping our toes in the 50 degree ocean on a 52 degree day.
Picnicking on the beach on Memorial Day weekend.