When I was pregnant, I never found out if I was having a boy or a girl. My husband and I didn’t see the point. It’s a child. Why would we do anything different to prepare for a boy or a girl? Plus, I really didn’t want a bunch of pink cutesy gifts if I knew I was having a girl. Luckily, I ended up with two boys, so I avoided the pink thing.
While the preparation for a baby is pretty much the same for boys and girls, things change as they grow into real, interactive human beings.
Boys have a ridiculous amount of energy, a seemingly innate need to wrestle all the time and consume endless amounts of food. At least in my experience. They also seem to understand how to actually transform a Transformer, something I cannot nor have the desire to do.
I’m guessing moms of boys utter the same type of words and phrases I do on a regular basis. Here are 15 words and phrases that are fairly typical in my household:
- Does anyone even hear me right now? (over lots of yelling and laughing while wrestling)
- I don’t want to hear it unless something is bleeding or broken
- How are you still eating?
- Put your toys in the bin, not in your pants
- What just went flying by my head?
- Don’t stand on/climb on/jump off that
- It’s not funny to burp and/or fart at the table
- Where are your pants? (Or, alternately, Where is your other sock?)
- I don’t know where X is? Did you try looking for it?
- Why is your brother crying?
- Well, maybe that wouldn’t happen if you didn’t ____ (jump off the couch head first, punch your brother in the head, etc.)
- That’s sounds like a terrible idea (usually shouted from the next room when hearing something like “Let’s bonk heads” like the head bonking dinosaurs we just read about)
- I’m Mom, nice to meet you (in response to I’m bored or hungry, etc.)
- When’s the last time you washed your hands?
- Really?! (uttered to my husband in disbelief of something the boys are doing, who then responds with a very matter of fact “Yes, really.”)
Boys are certainly an adventure. At least we won’t have to deal with a hormonal teenage girl. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.
Are you a mom of boys? Do these words and phrases sound familiar to you? What would you add to the list?