Today’s Wordless Wednesday photos were taken by my friend and travel companion in Nicaragua, Caitlin Kelly of the Broadside blog. Caitlin’s travels recently brought her to Paris where she had the unique opportunity to attend the unity march, an anti-terror rally that came on the heels of the Charlie Hebdo attack. To read more about the rally and Caitlin’s experience, read her post “Follow the pencil!”…today’s historic Paris unity march.
Translation: “It is ink that should flow, not blood”
Mohammed has a fit: “I hate being worshipped by assholes”
Caitlin Kelly frequently writes on business for The New York Times, where she has published more than 100 stories, several of them the most-read of the day’s edition. Other clients include Ladies Home Journal, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Smithsonian and More. She blogs at, with 13,000 readers worldwide. Author of Malled: My Unintentional Career in Retail and Blown Away: American Women and Guns, Caitlin lives in Tarrytown, NY.