I came across the following infographic from Flowtown.com that attempts to measure the ROI of a mother. As a marketer, I hear the term ROI (return on investment) a lot. Usually I’m trying to measure the effectiveness of my communications efforts. In this case, the infographic illustrates how priceless your mom is. I thought I’d share it as a reminder of just how special our moms are. And to remind people that Mother’s Day is just around the corner (hint, hint).
Overall I think it’s a pretty accurate display of the all encompassing roles we as mothers take. I might include collision preventer (I, myself, prevented at least 3 collisions today as my 2 year old rode a small bike with training wheels for the first time) and ego booster.
Seriously. What would we do without moms?
[Got something you’d add to the infographic? Share via a comment.]