It’s a Philanthropy Friday bonus!
I came across this 30-day challenge from GOOD, one of my favorite websites. (As the website states, it’s “for people who give a damn.”)
The December challenge is as follows:
To give away $30 (total for the month, not every single day) in the most creative and inspiring way possible. It doesn’t have to be $30. It could just be $10. Or even a single dollar. We’re aiming to make giving more creative and personal.
The point of the challenge is “to put the experience of real, awesome human interaction back into philanthropy.” GOOD will be posting inspiring ideas throughout the month on their website, and people can share their ideas and efforts on Twitter using the hashtag #30DaysofGOOD.
While we may think of Warren Buffet or Bill Gates when we think of philanthropists, it’s actually women that make less than $23,000 per year that give the biggest portion of their income.
As I’ve said before on this blog, sometimes it’s doing something small and thoughtful that makes the most impact. Paying the toll for the car behind you. Filling up an expired parking meter. Buying a piece of pizza for a homeless person.
The point is to give a little. Maybe your deed will inspire someone else to do the same for another person. Maybe you’ll just make someone smile.
Seems like a good idea to me.
So, who’s up to the challenge? How will you use $30 or less to make an impact this month?