I came across this video the other night after a long, full day spent mostly outside interacting with some wonderful human beings in various settings. I sat bleary-eyed with my MacBook Pro on my lap scrolling through the 200 or so unopened emails and the many notifications from my social media channels and blog. I caught some of these on my phone, but as an entrepreneur, I’m always working and making sure I don’t miss anything too important.
Of course, I’ve unplugged before, and the world didn’t end. I need to remind myself of this fact every now and then. Now as a single mom and an entrepreneur, my to do list seems to have tripled. Prioritizing is key. Stopping for fun is necessary. Things fall through the cracks, and that’s OK. I’ve learned that if people are too demanding of you or their expectations unrealistic, they probably don’t belong there with you. Sometimes I even say no to requests and projects. I’m learning not to apologize.
I have some really, really great people in my life. Largely because of the blogging world, I have a network that actually spans the globe. The storylines are amazing. Emailing, liking, commenting, skyping, calling, and texting are a daily occurrence. But in-person, human interaction just can’t be beat. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Even with some distance.
Watch the video and see if you are inspired to put that phone down or shut the laptop and head outside to take a walk. Technology can connect us, but being human calls for interaction with nature and people.
If you’re lucky enough to have your phone go down to one bar, it could just bring you one bar closer to humanity.
What do you think? Can we auto-correct humanity? Has technology made us anti-social?