I think the shock has worn off enough to talk about the harrowing experience I had on Tuesday evening.
You may have heard the news of the major earthquake we had in Maine.
It registered at 4.6.
This is Maine, people. The earth isn’t supposed to shake here. At this point, it just sits and waits for the snow.
We had frost Wednesday morning, and an earthquake the night before. What’s up with that?
Since everyone around here seems to be sharing their stories of where they were when the earthquake hit, I thought I would chime in. I’m sure you were worried when you heard the news.
I was in my sons’ bathroom sitting on a bench. My husband has just got Biz out of the shower, and G was brushing his teeth. (They have a big bathroom.)
At some point, my bench started moving. I lifted my butt off the seat and stared at it for a second saying, “Why is my bench moving?”
Everyone looked at me funny. Well, my husband did. I think my kids were ignoring me.
Then, we went on with the stories and standard bedtime rituals.
Later, my mom texted me to see if I felt the earthquake. And then it all made sense. I logged on to Facebook. (Who are we kidding? I never log off.) My timeline was filled with posts that progressed from “Did you feel that?” “OMG WAS THAT AN EARTHQUAKE?” “My chandelier was swinging!” to the news reports of where the epicenter of the earthquake was located to the photos from the inevitable I survived the 10/16/12 earthquake Facebook page that received more than 50,000 likes in less than an hour. There was also a hashtag on Twitter to follow for the latest on the big ‘quake and the damage it left.
Alas, I am okay.