Being a mom to two boys is always entertaining. I like to share some of my favorite quotes from my boys here so I can keep track of them and because they’re just plain funny. Here are a few recent ones that had me giggling.
From Biz, age 3. At the dinner table after my husband mentioned something that happened when G was in utero and then had to explain that “in utero” meant when he was in my tummy.
Biz: It was dark when I was in your tummy, Mommy.
Me: Oh yeah? You remember when you were in my tummy?
Biz: Yes. I remember the food bonking me in the head when I was in your tummy and you were eating.
(We might need to explain that they weren’t in my actual stomach at some point.)
From G, age 7. A conversation in the car after school. His class has been singing “Here Comes the Sun.”
G: Someone in my class brought in a picture of two of the guys who sing “Here Comes the Sun.”
Me: Cool. Which Beatles were in the picture? John Lennon and Paul McCartney?
G: I think so. I didn’t know you knew about the Beatles. Did you know one was shot?
Me: Yes.
G: Well, they were popular in the 1900s.
What funny things have your kids (or kids close to you) said lately?