I named my website, blog and business Another Jennifer so that I wouldn’t have to constantly include my last name initial when I refer to myself, as I’ve had to all my life.
Think I’m kidding? A third of the girls in my high school class were named Jennifer. And until I started working for myself, I’ve always had co-workers named Jennifer.
Another Jennifer works for me. But it may only work for so long.
According to a recent article on Huffington Post, Jennifer is considered a Name Fad and destined to become and Old Lady Name. Lovely.
From the article, “How to Name a Baby”:
Between 1965 and 1985, everyone named their daughter Jennifer, and now, no one does. So Jennifer was officially a Name Fad. What this means for all the Jennifers of the world is that while they’ve enjoyed spending most of their life so far with a cute, hip, young girl name, they are on their way to having a Your Mom’s Friend’s Name. A Your Mom’s Friend’s Name happens when lots of middle-aged people have a name that no young or old people have.
A few decades after that, Jennifer can look forward to having an Old Lady Name, which happens when a name belongs to lots of old ladies, but no one under 75.
Is that a witch’s hat?
Read the article How to Name a Baby on the Huffington Post by Wait But Why and see if your name’s mentioned.