I have to admit that I’m not a big fan of Thanksgiving. It’s not that I’m ungrateful. I just don’t like the meal around Thanksgiving. I’m not a fan of turkey, candied yams, cranberry sauce or pie.
I really hate pie.
I do love watching football and being lazy with my closest family members and friends. I’ll give Thanksgiving that.
It’s also a time to sit back and really think about what I’m thankful for as the year comes to a close. So, here’s my gratitude list for the year.
This year (2010), I am grateful for:
- My husband. There aren’t enough words to explain why.
- My two boys, who continue to grow into amazing human beings right before my eyes.
- Friends and family. I have an amazing support system and don’t know what I’d do without them.
- The ability to meet G at the bus stop each day after school.
- A pretty darn good work / family life balance. Even when it gets a bit overwhelming.
- The overall good health of said friends and family.
- New opportunities and old standbys.
- Two stubborn Siberian Huskies who are getting older but still manage to act like puppies when they get the chance.
- Accidents that didn’t turn into tragedies.
- Music and art that moves me.
- The words that flow through my brain.
- My voice.
- Bacon.
What are you thankful for?