I just spent 4 straight days getting my mind blown at the Be the Change event (#BTCE2013 on Twitter) in Orlando, Florida.
The days were long (8:00am – 10:00pm or later on most days). The experience is almost indescribable.
There was a DJ, thundersticks, a marching band, cheerleaders and circus acts involved. Oh, and a whole lot of swearing.
Seriously, Suzanne Evans knows how to put on an event.
I laughed. I cried. I learned. I danced. Above all, I gained some serious clarity for my business and the direction I want to will commit to going in.
I took a ton of notes and came back with a library of resources. Following is my recap in the form of quotes (in the order that they were heard) and photos of my travel companion, Mr. Bacon. (Mr. Bacon totally partied the whole time, as you will see.)
“Indecision is a form of self-abuse – be ready to step up!”

“Whenever you can make something more simple, do it.”
“Takers may eat well, but givers sleep well.”
~ Bert Jacobs
“Business is a tool to do what you love.”
~ Bert Jacobs

“Entrepreneurs are 300% more likely to have ADHD.”
~ Laurie Dupar, PMHNP, RN, PCC, SCAC
Squirrel! (Sorry. I got distracted.)
“Commit to telling your truth, not just the truth.”
“Truth never speaks to us through fear.”
~ Darla LeDoux

“You create your own economy.”
~ Suzanne Evans
“God gave you a gift and he deserves a return on his investment.”
~ Suzanne Evans
“Find a problem that you can provide a solution to.”

“To make the best, most prominent transformation and live it!”
~ Scott Robley’s interpretation of the meaning of “Be the Change”
“Be flexible about how to do things, but inflexible about why.”
~ Scott Robley
“Anything you do fearless, you do in mediocrity.”
~ Suzanne Evans

“The cash is always behind your fear.”
“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”
~ Suzanne Evans
“You cannot be a secret and be profitable.”
~ Suzanne Evans
How would I sum up my Be the Change experience? Two words: Game changer.
While in Orlando I developed a nice tribe, and we plan on staying in touch to support each other and keep each other accountable.
Next year, Be the Change is going to be held in Las Vegas from April 23- 27, 2014. Do you know what I say to Be the Change in Las Vegas?
Hell yeah!
If you are interested in getting a complimentary ticket to the event – you would still have to pay for your travel expenses and lodging, of course – let me know. My good friend and colleague, Bambi Thompson, is going to be a sponsor again next year and has a limited amount of tickets she can offer to people. You don’t necessarily need to commit now, but I can keep you in the loop as we get closer to the event.
Are you an entrepreneur? Have you ever spent 4 straight days committed solely to your business? What was the result?
[p.s. Mr. Bacon thinks he wants to start his own Tumblr blog to share his adventures with his fans. What do you think?]