’13 street sign, Ilene (Fierce Diva Guide to Life) and me, Chicago at night, my roommate Nicole (ThirdEyeMom) and me, plane at Logan Airport
My recent trip to Chicago for the BlogHer ’13 conference still feels like a big blur to me.
Since I posted about my trip back to Maine from Chicago over social media, many people have noted that they “can’t wait to hear all about it.”
It’s hard to summarize everything that happened over the those three days at the Sheraton, McCormick Place and in the city of Chicago.
BlogHer, as an event, is much more than workshops, keynotes, sponsors, parties and swag. (Read yesterday’s post about my dinner with Save the Children, if you haven’t already.)
It’s the interactions that I had in between it all that meant the most to me. It’s those interactions – with bloggers, sponsors, panelists – that make me want to go back next year.
Instead of writing a post with the highlights from my trip, I decided to put together a video.
Watch my video recap of #BlogHer13
Yes, I went to a vlogging workshop at BlogHer, which inspired me to get back on the video blogging wagon. Though I’m still working on lighting, timing and all that other fun stuff that goes with vlogging.
All in good time.
Oh, and did I mention I won a snow cone machine from Best Buy? Yup. That happened at BlogHer ’13 too.