My youngest son, Biz, is a storyteller. At not quite 3, he’s still working on the whole beginning, middle and end of his stories. But, he’s getting there.
He likes to tell us of times “when he was little.” They usually involve flying horses, dinosaurs and hot lava.
He has quite the vivid imagination.
When we talk about our days at dinnertime, Biz tells us tall tales. He will look at me dead serious and tell me that he ate thank you cards for lunch. We’ve learned to just let him go with a storyline. It’s fun to see where he ends up. (The thank you cards tasted like potatoes, if you were wondering.)
His stories are getting more fun. And I love the idea of writing them down so we don’t forget them later. His latest one involves a mission he had at daycare.
Biz often has missions at daycare. Usually they start with saying “mission” into his walky talky and then going to his boat. Often, he has his best friend Zacky as a sidekick during his mission. The mission usually ends with them saving his baby chicks (who also make appearances at home and were nearly drowned one day by my husband who turned on the bathroom sink not knowing they were in there). They usually need to be fished out of water or hot lava.
This time, however, it was Zacky that was in trouble! Apparently, Zacky was in the mouth of an alligator. Luckily, the baby chicks were on the boat and had a fishing pole. Biz was able to get the fishing pole from the baby chicks in the nick of time. He made a super duper long cast and got Zacky out of the alligator’s mouth just as he was about to chomp!
Phew. Zacky was saved. And their missions together will continue.
That is just about exactly the way he explained it, though it took him some time to get through the story. (He gets excited and repeats himself.)
Biz always has a story, and we encourage him to tell it. If he could type, he could probably help get me through this daily blogging challenge.
Does voice recognition software speak toddler?